23,29 Km
1 h 33 min
I begin / Family

23,29 km cycling route from Rémalard to Mortagne-au-Perche

Admiring old manors and mills, you meander along a greenway through the heart of the Perche area on this stage, enjoying the most peaceful of atmospheres.

Elevation of the stage

0 m 74 m

Waytypes of the stage

Cycle path: 18,10 km By road: 5,19 km

Surface of the stage

Smooth: 5,19 km Rough: 18,10 km

🚲 Stage description and details:

The cycling is pretty smooth along most of the greenway from Rémalard to Mortagne-au-Perche. Shortly before Mortagne-au-Perche, the final section of the greenway is being redesigned at time of writing and is temporarily closed. Follow the diversion in place, taking you along small roads. Arriving at Mortagne-au-Perche, a steep link lasting a bit over 1km leads you to the centre of town. 

⭐ Don’t miss:

  • The Manoir de Courboyer, 7km from the greenway via Boissy-Maugis, is home to the Maison du Parc Naturel Régional du Perche, where you can learn a great deal about this magnificent area. 
  • The Basilique Notre-Dame de La Chapelle-Montligeon, nicknamed "the cathedral in the fields", impresses by its size. Located a few kilometres beyond our cycle route, to reach it, follow the signposted circuit, "Dites-le avec des fleurs". 
  • AOP (or PDO) cidre du Perche marks itself out from its neighbouring Norman and Breton ciders by its distinctive flavour. Stop for some at the Ferme de la Maison Ferré, located along the route, or then purchase local juices and ciders in the delicatessens in Mortagne-au-Perche.
  • The Manoir de la Vôve isn’t open to the public, but can be admired by riding a few hundred metres along the D256 road a bit before Corbon.
  • Mortagne-au-Perche is a fine little town designated a Petite Cité de Caractère® thanks to its remarkable historical, cultural and natural heritage. 

🍴 Food and drink en route:

  • Rémalard-en-Perche
    • Food and drink stores and a market on Monday mornings on Place de Gaulle.
    • The restaurant En gare, set immediately beside the greenway, offers local, good-value food. It’s ideal for a lunch stop. 
  • Courgeon: the Café de la place, a typical little French country café, promises cyclists a warm welcome.  
  • Mortagne-au-Perche: numerous food and drink stores and a market on Saturday mornings on Place Notre-Dame

💡 Bring up Accueil Velo accredited restaurants by clicking on the 🍴 icon on the map. De-select "only show accueil velo accredited services" to view further possibilities.

🔧 Repair Service:

Consult the list of all the bike repairers along or near the route. 

Accommodation on the stage

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