Réparation vélo et changement de chambre à air le long de la voie verte en baie du Mont Saint-Michel © Alexandre Leroy - La Véloscénie

Where can I find a bike repair service?

🛠 The list of mobile shops and repairers

Many shops (📍) offering repair services are located on or near the route. On some sections, there are also mobile bike repairers (🚛).

Locate the nearest repair services on the map or display the list by section.



💡 Additional information: 

  • Bike hire companies have spare equipment and can also be a solution for emergency repairs. 
  • Before or during your cycling trip, seek the support of a participatory and supportive cycling workshop. There are many such workshops in the Ile-de-France, Chartres, Nogent-le-Rotrou, Alençon and many other towns.