The Veloscenic Facts & Figures

The Veloscenic crosses 4 French regions and 8 départements, the latter being: Paris, Hauts-de-Seine, Essonne, Yvelines, Eure-et-Loir, Orne, Mayenne and Manche. The route also takes in 3 regional natural parks.

The itinerary described on this website measures 450 km in length. 


In future, further stretches of greenways will be opened along the way.

  • The whole route has been divided into 8 major sections (see below), with levels of difficulty indicated.

The Veloscenic in sections


of which greenways

Towns - Stages

 Paris and the Ile-de-France Region80,6 km14,9 kmParis, Sceaux, Massy, Limours, Rambouillet, Épernon
The Royal Eure Valley37,5 km10,8 kmÉpernon, Maintenon, Chartres
Between Eure and Loir Valleys75,2 km6,5 kmChartres, Illiers-Combray, Nogent-le-Rotrou
The Perche77,5 km65,2 kmNogent-le-Rotrou, Mortagne-au-Perche, Alençon
The Pays d'Alençon Area74,2 km1,3 kmAlençon, Carrouges, Bagnoles-de-l’Orne, Domfront
The Bocage Normand Area66 km59 kmDomfront, Mortain, Pontaubault, Ducey
La Baie du Mont Saint Michel31,1 km8,2 kmDucey, Pontaubault, le Mont-Saint-Michel, Liaison Avranches
Link Flers - Domfront23,3 km19,7 kmFlers, Domfront
Total (Flers > Domfront inclued)465,4 km185,6 km