Reaching the Veloscenic cycle route by train
5 train lines for easy access by train
How, say, can you depart from the Mont Saint-Michel by train, with your bike? Which train stations can you leave from and arrive at?... Simplify your searches thanks to our interactive map, highlighting the train lines and conditions for taking your bike on trains using these lines.
1️⃣ Summary map
2️⃣ Focus on Paris region
Summary map of train lines
There are a large number of stations along the route, allowing you to start and finish your journey at different points. Some are 20 km or more away, but are connected to La Véloscénie by greenways or signposted roads (see "Cycle links" on the map).

💡 4 ideas for microadventures along the Véloscénie
Whether you're with friends, family or on your own, we've put together a number of suggested itineraries with all the essential information you need to get away from it all for a weekend. Right this way!
Focus on Paris region

Bicycles may be taken on board RER and Transiliens trains at weekends and public holidays and at off-peak times* during the week. (*before 6.30am, between 9am and 4.30pm, and after 7pm).
💡 For those who are more comfortable with dismantling their bike, here's a tip for taking any train: dismantle your bike and improvise a carrying bag from a rain cover! See this tutorial for a full video explanation.
🔗 Additional resources:
- Help page for loading bicycles on trains on SNCF Connect and on Nomad Train for the Normandy lines.
- Help page on opening sales by type of line on SNCF Connect.
- Page presenting the summer bicycle boarding facilities on the Caen - Granville - Rennes and Caen - Le Mans - Tour lines
If you have not found a satisfactory answer on this page, please consult the page on our alternatives to train travel or contact our team.